Monday, April 23, 2007

The Longest Yard

I really did try to watch a new movie this weekend but all efforts failed. But I must say at least I did watch something, THE LONGEST YARD! I watched the remake with Adam Sandler, Chris Rock and the legendary Burt Reynolds. It is funny that I actually own it. It's about former NFL stars who are imprisoned and form a football team of inmates that face their abusive guards. There are parts which are serious but I guarantee you'll spend at least 90% of the movie laughing your butt off.
I am a sucker for physical comedy and this movie has plenty of it. There are two scenes that I think are classic. The first involves a giant inmate kicking a fellow inmate in the face and breaking his nose. When the hurt inmate begins to cry after Crewe (Adam Sandler) fixes his nose he asks, "How does it look?" to which Crewe replies "Like a young Michael Jackson!" The inmate is so happy by this compliment that he picks up Caretaker (Chris Rock) for a victory hug even though Caretaker is about a 1/3 of the guy's size. The second hilarious scene is when Crewe deliberately throws a football at the biased referee in very particular place...which for me is always good for a cheap laugh.
Again, like with most of the movies I watch, this film won't change your life and is probably offensive to a lot of people, but it makes me laugh hysterically so I think you watch it!

keep it funny,


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