Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bad News Bears

This week I managed to squeeze in another movie, Bad News Bears. Again it was a movie I had already seen before but I always have some kind of movie or music playing even when I'm doing something unrelated. I've seen this movie a bunch of times and every time I watch I find a new scene which I think is so freaking funny. Towards the end of the movie there is a scene with Greg Kinnear where he is totaly ticked off that one of the punk kids from the bears hits a triple and the facial expressions he makes are simply hillarious. For some strange reason he is so good at playing a complete jerk!
By the way I forgot to introduce the movie. It's about a group of social outcast kids who come together to form a baseball team with a drunk ex-pro baseball player as the coach. It is really a funny and potentially offensive movie consider Billy Bob Thorton plays the lead. Overall I give it a thumbs up if you're in the mood to laugh, but don't expect Tom Stoppard or Oscar Wilde wit, it just won't happen. Rent this movie today!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Blogging in it's not a movie

Ha ha ha I'm blogging in orange :)

The Longest Yard

I really did try to watch a new movie this weekend but all efforts failed. But I must say at least I did watch something, THE LONGEST YARD! I watched the remake with Adam Sandler, Chris Rock and the legendary Burt Reynolds. It is funny that I actually own it. It's about former NFL stars who are imprisoned and form a football team of inmates that face their abusive guards. There are parts which are serious but I guarantee you'll spend at least 90% of the movie laughing your butt off.
I am a sucker for physical comedy and this movie has plenty of it. There are two scenes that I think are classic. The first involves a giant inmate kicking a fellow inmate in the face and breaking his nose. When the hurt inmate begins to cry after Crewe (Adam Sandler) fixes his nose he asks, "How does it look?" to which Crewe replies "Like a young Michael Jackson!" The inmate is so happy by this compliment that he picks up Caretaker (Chris Rock) for a victory hug even though Caretaker is about a 1/3 of the guy's size. The second hilarious scene is when Crewe deliberately throws a football at the biased referee in very particular place...which for me is always good for a cheap laugh.
Again, like with most of the movies I watch, this film won't change your life and is probably offensive to a lot of people, but it makes me laugh hysterically so I think you watch it!

keep it funny,


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Today was a glorious day since I actually dragged my butt to go see
BLADES OF GLORY. I almost had to change into depends, I was laughing so hard. Let me just list a few highlights: Jon Herder's peacock dance, Will Ferrell's slogan "I'm sex on ice" and the pseudo-incest couple with their ridiculous gangsta outfits. Seriously, it was beyond stupid, beyond hilarious. Now let me make some recommendations. If you're like me and love stupid potty humor this movie is definitely worth the $8.50 you'll pay to watch it. However if you value your brain cells or easily disappointed by "entertainment articles" on CNN then this may or
may not be the movie for you. If you saw it, let me know what you
thought was the greatest scene but don't kill the ending for others
(not like it's mystery).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Suggestions if you will...

By the way my fellow bloggers, if I could get any movie suggestions I would deeply appreciate it. I generally like comedies, classics, and foreign films but I'm trying to branch out. Let me know what's out there. Thanks

Yup...add one more to the list

Well, well, has been a fantastically busy week with the CATESOL conference and all but I finally managed to watch a movie this week. I finally watched a movie I've been dying to see since it came out in theaters --> V FOR VENDETTA! I must say that it did not disappoint. I don't want to give too much away but if you read George Orwell's 1984 and liked it you would totally dig this movie. It basically talks about a future UK that is forced into a repressive totalitarian state after a world war. People are blindly accepting this state of living in exchange for protection from the chaos. Enter the protagonist V who infiltrates and starts to persuade the people to rise find out more you should watch.
I give the movie two thumbs up, and if I had more thumbs they would be up too. I'm not such a big fan of Natalie Portman's accent but overall she did a great job as did Hugo Weaving and I feel like I should enlist in their personal fan clubs. If you've seen it let me know what you think and if not go rent it today. I hope to watch another movie this week so I'll keep you posted.



P.S here is a clip from the trailer, courtesy of

Monday, April 9, 2007

Who is the real Holly?

Thats one small blog for me, one big blog for TESL 565

Uh...I've never blogged before so here goes!

I've decided to dedicate this blog to moooovies because I've been trying to watch a lot of them lately. Prior to last week I averaged two movies a year and the probability of one of them being something I've already seen is a pretty safe bet. Either way I'm ready to watch so I better get some popcorn.